We had a great Christmas complete with snow! Our Christmas Eve service got cancelled due to the snow but Jared's family came over for make your own pizzas, games, dessert and an ornament exchange which was fun.
Christmas morning Jaden did NOT want to wake up. As you will see in the pictures he was really out of it at first. I was actually starting to worry about him but eventually I carried him over to the stockings where he could see stuff peeking out and as soon as he started pulling things out he perked up and got excited. The boys were on their best behaviour all day for which I was very thankful. We opened our family gifts and even opened a few of Geep and Grans over the webcam for them to see. After a relaxing morning we went over to Jared's parents and snacked and opened gifts where we were spoiled rotten! The boys napped, we ate dinner, and then the boys opened their gifts which was fun. Throughout the day they were both more interested in playing with the new toys than tearing off the paper for a new gift. Each piece of paper no matter how small that they tore off they wanted to immediately throw in the trash which made for long gift openings! By the end of the day Jackson was very into putting the bows in the bow box and saying "oh pesint" (other present) so he could pick one up and carry it to whoever it belonged to (after removing the bow himself of course!)
The boys received some great gifts. I am especially glad about that because most of the things they have they have had for about a year and have been outgrowing some of them. I think they were getting bored. They didn't complain about it but it was just harder to entertain them :)
Some funny moments of the day...
* Jared's parents gave them shirts with guitars on them. They matched but were in 2 different packages. Jackson opened it first and was SO excited. Jaden saw it and started trying to rip his shirt off so he could wear the guitar shirt. We found the other one as quickly as possible and put them on both boys who were very proud to be wearing them.
* There was a gift bag that had santa claus on it that looked kind of real. The boys recognize "au cause" and are just fine with him. Every time Jackson passed the tree he would wine and look frightened. We finally figured out he was terrified of that particular Santa bag. If I picked it up he asked if it was ok.
* Jared's parents gave them a mr. potato head. They were both completely terrified. After a couple minutes Jaden warmed up to it and now loves it. Jackson is still afraid. If he sees it in his toy box he looks frightened and runs and grabs on to me. At this point both boys like to take the pieces and try to attatch them to their own bodies in the appropriate location.
* At dinner someone left the table to blow their nose. Jackson heard them and kept asking "ok? ok?" with a very concerned look. When I would say they were ok he would say "zissue" (tissue)
The boys weren't terribly fond of the snow either. But they liked to look at it and talk about it. Now that the snow has melted they are constantly telling me how the snowman has melted into water.
Here are some pictures of the past few days....
Here are some pictures!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
White Christmas
I haven't taken too many pictures lately but there are a few...still on my camera so I'll probably post them along with the Christmas ones.
Over the past 2 weeks (mostly this week) we've had random days of snow. The ground has been well covered for several days and they're expecting several inches again tonight so we will get to enjoy a white christmas! I just hope we can get around to the Christmas Eve service and Jared's parents Christmas day!
We will be having Jared's family over on Christmas Eve after the service which I'm looking forward to and then spending some time at home on Christmas before heading to Jared's parents for the remainder of the day.
The boys love to look at the snow. They call it "no!" so I have to be careful not to get confused :) We took them out in it one day to build a snowman but it didn't turn out to be snowman snow and after a couple minutes they started screaming unless we were holding them.
They are currently obsessed with snowmen (ohmaine)and Christmas lights (Jaden: Leyets!, Jackson: Ooooo LOTS!). They love our tree and the ornaments but have been super good about not touching it (most of the time). We have a star on the top of course (for the boys) and they ask me every morning to turn the lights on.
Last night we watched Rudolph with them and Jaden especially sat there and watched almost the whole thing which was very amazing to me. We watched Frosty on a different night and they liked that too.
A couple nights ago we made snickerdoodles as a family. Jared was standing behind the boys who were sitting on our island and I was putting in the ingredients. Sometimes the boys helped but mostly they just wanted to peek into the mixing bowl after each ingredient was added. We watched Frosty while the dough chilled and then Jared rolled the dough into balls and put them on the plate of sugar for the boys to finish. They would wipe it around in the sugar then put them on the pan. I had to fix them a little but they did pretty good. I love raw cookie dough of almost any kind. So when the boys weren't looking I took a tiny pinch, dipped it in the sugar and popped it into my mouth. Jackson looked up right as it entered my mouth and immediately put the entire dough ball he was holding into his mouth. Jaden saw that and quickly did the same. Jaden seemed to like it (though he didn't try it again) and Jackson thought it was gross so took it out of his mouth and put it on the pan. Gross. :) It was a fun experience and we laughed alot.
We haven't been getting out much with the snow. Actually most of the roads aren't awful and they even plow a number of them near our house - it's just getting out of our neighborhood. The snow is pretty deep and neither of our cars are very high off the ground. Jared is a good snow driver but I completely avoid it.
I can't wait until Christmas, it should be fun - as well as funny to see how the boys react.
We hope all of you have a wonderfull Christmas!
Over the past 2 weeks (mostly this week) we've had random days of snow. The ground has been well covered for several days and they're expecting several inches again tonight so we will get to enjoy a white christmas! I just hope we can get around to the Christmas Eve service and Jared's parents Christmas day!
We will be having Jared's family over on Christmas Eve after the service which I'm looking forward to and then spending some time at home on Christmas before heading to Jared's parents for the remainder of the day.
The boys love to look at the snow. They call it "no!" so I have to be careful not to get confused :) We took them out in it one day to build a snowman but it didn't turn out to be snowman snow and after a couple minutes they started screaming unless we were holding them.
They are currently obsessed with snowmen (ohmaine)and Christmas lights (Jaden: Leyets!, Jackson: Ooooo LOTS!). They love our tree and the ornaments but have been super good about not touching it (most of the time). We have a star on the top of course (for the boys) and they ask me every morning to turn the lights on.
Last night we watched Rudolph with them and Jaden especially sat there and watched almost the whole thing which was very amazing to me. We watched Frosty on a different night and they liked that too.
A couple nights ago we made snickerdoodles as a family. Jared was standing behind the boys who were sitting on our island and I was putting in the ingredients. Sometimes the boys helped but mostly they just wanted to peek into the mixing bowl after each ingredient was added. We watched Frosty while the dough chilled and then Jared rolled the dough into balls and put them on the plate of sugar for the boys to finish. They would wipe it around in the sugar then put them on the pan. I had to fix them a little but they did pretty good. I love raw cookie dough of almost any kind. So when the boys weren't looking I took a tiny pinch, dipped it in the sugar and popped it into my mouth. Jackson looked up right as it entered my mouth and immediately put the entire dough ball he was holding into his mouth. Jaden saw that and quickly did the same. Jaden seemed to like it (though he didn't try it again) and Jackson thought it was gross so took it out of his mouth and put it on the pan. Gross. :) It was a fun experience and we laughed alot.
We haven't been getting out much with the snow. Actually most of the roads aren't awful and they even plow a number of them near our house - it's just getting out of our neighborhood. The snow is pretty deep and neither of our cars are very high off the ground. Jared is a good snow driver but I completely avoid it.
I can't wait until Christmas, it should be fun - as well as funny to see how the boys react.
We hope all of you have a wonderfull Christmas!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Previous Post
So, I want people to be able to easily email us if they don't want to leave a comment BUT I don't want my email posted because I will get SPAM!!!!
So I created the previous post so that I could link to it on the right. Eventually you won't see it anymore but it will still be useful.
So I created the previous post so that I could link to it on the right. Eventually you won't see it anymore but it will still be useful.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happy Holidays!
I have allot to catch up on! December has been so busy but fun! They're calling for snow this weekend and I have yet to see a flake which is great because we have WAY too much to do tomorrow!
We took the boys to something near our house called the Santa train. It was super overpriced and the train itself was not the size adults ride (though we did anyway) AND some of the light displays kind of had a Halloween spookiness to them - BUT we still had a great time. The boys were kind of overwhelmed but liked it. There was one gigantic star up high in the center and the boys constantly pointed it out. Unfortunately I have no pictures because I literally could not move.
Jared had a Saturday where he worked due to the Mac version being released so we met him for lunch and there was a new train "museum" across from his office so we took the boys. They LOVED it OF COURSE. I didn't have my camera though :(
Last night we went to something called "Walk through Bethlehem" that was all outdoors. It was ok, but the boys didn't know what to think. I think they had a good time but they were so confused about why everyone was dressed up. There were some sheep to see but they were under a tarp in the dark night and their breath was visible and it was terrifying to Jade - I think it was just the setup though because across the way they had large goats but they were all lit up and Jaden loved being right next to them.
I can't believe Christmas is almost here and I can't believe the boys are almost TWO!
Here are two videos - one of Jaden helping dad check the lights and one of Jackson playing with his laughing gingerbread man (that he plays constantly all day)
We took the boys to something near our house called the Santa train. It was super overpriced and the train itself was not the size adults ride (though we did anyway) AND some of the light displays kind of had a Halloween spookiness to them - BUT we still had a great time. The boys were kind of overwhelmed but liked it. There was one gigantic star up high in the center and the boys constantly pointed it out. Unfortunately I have no pictures because I literally could not move.
Jared had a Saturday where he worked due to the Mac version being released so we met him for lunch and there was a new train "museum" across from his office so we took the boys. They LOVED it OF COURSE. I didn't have my camera though :(
Last night we went to something called "Walk through Bethlehem" that was all outdoors. It was ok, but the boys didn't know what to think. I think they had a good time but they were so confused about why everyone was dressed up. There were some sheep to see but they were under a tarp in the dark night and their breath was visible and it was terrifying to Jade - I think it was just the setup though because across the way they had large goats but they were all lit up and Jaden loved being right next to them.
I can't believe Christmas is almost here and I can't believe the boys are almost TWO!
Here are two videos - one of Jaden helping dad check the lights and one of Jackson playing with his laughing gingerbread man (that he plays constantly all day)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Decorating
The boys were sick this weekend and it was raining so we decided to just go the Haggen (groceries) to get a Christmas tree. The boys love it there because of the car carts and cookies and we thought it would be better than taking them to cut one this year.
They LOVE helping to decorate! They get so excited about the tree all the time and can't stop talking about the star on top. Someone gave theme each a football ornament and Jaden points them out 1000 times a day. They're pretty good about not touching it too often.
Funny things...
Jaden helped Jared check the lights and was very careful but still kept stepping on the strands.
We cut off the top of the tree, one of the boys found it on the ground and put it "back" in the tree as if it was a branch.
Jaden will point and say 00000000000 piddy!
Jackson will say KINKLE! (as in the star is twinkling)
There is a laughing reindeer (or something) that shakes and laughs when you squeeze it's hand. They were terrified at first that it was shaking and would scream and run away. Now Jackson MUST find it first thing in the morning, carry it around, give it hugs, make everyone else give it hugs, and squeeze it's hand CONSTANTLY (seriously, one right after the other)
All in all they are way more excited about it all then I thought they would be.
Here are some pictures....
They LOVE helping to decorate! They get so excited about the tree all the time and can't stop talking about the star on top. Someone gave theme each a football ornament and Jaden points them out 1000 times a day. They're pretty good about not touching it too often.
Funny things...
Jaden helped Jared check the lights and was very careful but still kept stepping on the strands.
We cut off the top of the tree, one of the boys found it on the ground and put it "back" in the tree as if it was a branch.
Jaden will point and say 00000000000 piddy!
Jackson will say KINKLE! (as in the star is twinkling)
There is a laughing reindeer (or something) that shakes and laughs when you squeeze it's hand. They were terrified at first that it was shaking and would scream and run away. Now Jackson MUST find it first thing in the morning, carry it around, give it hugs, make everyone else give it hugs, and squeeze it's hand CONSTANTLY (seriously, one right after the other)
All in all they are way more excited about it all then I thought they would be.
Here are some pictures....
For Thanksgiving we went to Jared's parents and had a nice time. The boys weren't really into the dinner this year but I think they were having too much fun playing! Here are some pictures....
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