Saturday, October 9, 2010


Now that Kylie is 1 I haven't updated on her in a while!
We took her in for her 1 year appt and she weighed just under 20 pounds (35th percentile) and was 30 inches tall (75th percentile) and doing well.
We put her in her new car seat (one of the boys old ones) and she seems to like it. However, I can no no longer snack in the car. It makes her want a snack. There are very few things she can snack on in the car without creating a mess at this point but even so it doesn't matter - she will settle for nothing less than what I'm eating!
Speaking of eating.... I'm trying to use up the last of the baby food we have in the house. She does a good job of eating most of what we eat but occasionally that doesn't work out and sometimes when we're out it's easier to give her baby food. She'll eat it but as soon as she sees what we're eating - that's what she wants! It will be gone soon and it will be weird to not have baby food around here anymore. I'll still probably buy the yogurt melts for a while because she LOVES them!
For several months Kylie has been able to get around if she wants. Not quickly, effeciently, or even gracefully but if she felt she MUST reach something she'd go for it. She didn't start really crawling on all fours until a couple weeks before her first birthday (for which I will be forever thankful) and even then wouldn't really crawl anywhere unless she felt she abosulutely must. In the past couple weeks though she has been everywhere. She loves to chase our cat and dog and, of course, the boys! Baby gates, etc, are back up and are interesting to deal with when I have 3 year olds running around too!
Kylie has NO interest in walking. NONE. Now that she's mobile I would love for her to walk so that she can be up off the floor and it would be easier when we are out. But seriously, she is NOT interested. When you try to stand her up she pulls her legs up into sitting position and insists that you set her down like that. Over the past week she's been more interested in pulling up on things and setting one foot on the ground. so maybe we're making progress. The Dr thinks she should come in at 15 months if she's not walking so she can have a therapist give me some suggestions. Pretty sure I'm going to skip it. Unless I don't see any progress before that that is. The Dr said she seemed fine and her muscles seem strong. I was a very late walker. Kylie is also a very chilled out baby. And between all the sleeping and sitting in a chair to eat she hasn't had much opportunity. I'm going to try to keep her out of the jumper in the morning when I get ready so she has more opportunity to get around and consider standing up :) We'll see what happens. Hopefully she walks before 18 months so I don't hear it from the dr :)
Kylie likes to babble. Just recently I've been able to pick up on "words" she's saying but I don't think anyone else would recognize, and even I am just starting to get it....
"ha ba!" - Hi Bob (our dog)
"ma-ah" - Joey (our cat) Actually, she's copying the noise joey makes and it is frighteningly accurate
"Da" - Dad
She rarely says mom, even when I try to get her to which cracks me up. jared reminds me that I shouldn't push it because then she'll say is 10,000 a day and I will go crazy :)
"Hi ya" - hello - she sometimes says this when holding something to her ear like a phone
"uh oh" - not sure she's really using this in the proper context :)
"roun roun roun" - The boys like the Chipmunks song "You spin me right around baby right around like a record player baby right around" Whenever they sing this line she joins in
She waves bye-bye nearly every time we're in a parking long, waves night-night, gives kisses (her current favorite is her baby version of blowing them), she loves to hug and kiss her dolls and animals, she will hold up one finger when you ask her how old she is, she trys to put her socks, shoes, and hairbows on, she loves to dance and will sometimes sign "more" or "all done". She's starting to point at things she wants and loves to point to herself (which originated from me a LONG time ago pointing to her and saying "Kylie" and then to me and saying "mom". She'll also seem to ask me questions which is really funny.
She loves to play with the boys and they love to play with her!
Her hair is all in her eyes. I don't want to trim it because I'll then have a constant hair-always-in-the-eyes problem. But hairbows aren't working out at the moment. If I'm lucky enough to get it in I must do it while she doesn't notice or she takes it out immediately and then tries to put it back in. We're nearing a point where I'll have to start teaching her to leave it alone but for now I have bigger fish to fry and will let it go.
I'm hoping she doesn't end up with a huge temper :) She gets SOOOOOO mad if you take something from her. I don't remember the boys doing this as much but maybe I just blocked it out. She also gets furious if you pick her up when she isn't done or when I take her out of the bath tub (COMPLETE opposite problem we had with the boys).
She's learning what no means. I really haven't had to say no to her until she started crawling and also realizing she could get mad if she wants. For a while it was frustrating because she clearly didn't get it, but now it seems she's starting to understand what I mean.
I'm sure there's a ton of things I'm forgetting but there's Kylie in a nutshell at almost 13 months!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, you walked at 20 months! We were a little concerned, but you just decided other things were more important. When you were ready, it didn't take long before you were a pro. I had to laugh when I read how Kylie lifts her legs when you try to get her to stand. You did the exact same thing! Don't let the doctor concern you. It's all normal! Can't wait to witness some of these things for myself next week. I'm gonna spend the week teaching her to say "Geep"!!!
