Thursday, June 7, 2012
Riverbanks Zoo
We've started a new tradition at our house.
Several months ago Jared's job was not going well. It was not bringing in the income we expected and we were still in nearly the same position we were in when Jared was getting unemployment instead. One day we drove by Red Robin (restaurant) by Jared's work and the boys asked if we could go there. We had to say no and they asked when. We were thinking at the time "uh... probably never" in our minds :) So Jared told them the first month he made 11 new deals at work (which is essentially what you need to make a decent commission since the number of new deals is what determines commission percentage - this is all way too complicated to explain) we would go to Red Robin. This was the only way we could hope to afford it and to be honest we didn't know when or if it would happen.
He did not get 11 new deals that month but the next month he did! It was down to the wire and he didn't know for sure until he got home from work on the last day, but he did it! So we went to Red Robin and had a great time.
Ever since then we choose something fun at the beginning of the month and if Jared gets 11 new deals we do that thing. It could be any number of things - it could cost little to no money even - just as long as it's fun! These are not intended to be our only days of fun but if we're going to spend a little more money, this will be the situation in which we do it and it will usually be something we won't ordinarily do.
For the month of May we chose the zoo. He got his deals so yesterday we headed to the Columbia Zoo in South Carolina a little less than 2 hours from here. There is a zoo in NC but it is a tiny bit farther from us. It is a very nice zoo but we heard that the SC zoo is a little easier when you have kids because of the layout. I think they are right. We had a great time. We saw tons of animals and the kids loved them all. Kylie and I fed the giraffes which was great. One giraffe let me pet him for a while. But then Kylie kindof freaked out about it and screamed to the giraffe left. :)
During a gorilla presentation Kylie and Jared were sitting right in front of the glass. This huge gorilla ran up to them and slammed on the glass (it was LOUD) and ran away. It scared everyone in the room. I guess he wasn't sure what he thought about them. :) The grizzly bear made me a little nervous. Well, not really, but I didn't feel that we were all that far from him and all he did was pace back and forth staring everyone down. I didn't really understand why he didn't try to jump accross - and if he did try I would think he could make it - but maybe they can't jump that far :)
The funniest moment was when we went to feed the Lorikeets (sp). They are small tropical birds. All the kids wanted to do it. Jared went to get a drink and was going to meet us over there. I asked the lady for 3 cups of nectar. She did not see Kylie so she said she would give me 2 because "the birds are not really eating this afternoon". I said fine but then when she realized Kylie was there she gave me 3 so each of the kids could have one. I held Kylies and the boys held their own. We entered the first doors and then the lady opened the next door for us to go through. Jaden went first and a bird flew over to the door frame right by us. I had my hand on Jacksons back and he would no longer budge. He said he didn't want to do it. At that exact moment, not even through the door yet, all these birds landed on my head and arms and the nectar cup. One landed on Jaden's shoulder and he started screaming and dropped the cup. I couldn't do anything since there were birds all over me. At that moment Jared got there so he had the boys outside where we could all see each other and he brought in Jacksons nectar cup and Kylie. My nectar was gone so they swarmed Jared and Kylie was able to stand with me and the birds didn't bother us. I thought it was kindof fun but the kids were freaked out - and who could blame them. :)
Jackson wanted to go to all the presentations and try everything (sometimes he's like this and sometimes he doesn't want to try anything). The only thing he didn't do was feed the giraffes - but we had just gotten there. He did feed the goats though (he's done that before :) ). Jackson rode a pony which he loved. For some reason Jaden did not want to. Kylie did (and she was JUST BARELY tall enough) but when they got up there one of the ponys kind of freaked out. Nothing major but it was enough that Kylie did not want to go anymore. It may not be too long before Jaden is too tall for that so maybe next time.... There was a kids train and a carosel we rode TONS of times. We eneded up getting a year pass that also gets you unlimited attractions (pony rides, carosel, feeding animals, 3D shows, and several other things) and free admission to their Christmas lights which we would likely try this year anyway. We pretty much covered the cost of it in all we did yesterday (though technically we wouldn't have done so much if we didn't have the passes :) )
Part way though my camera stopped working. So then I used my phone for the rest. It actually did better than I expected - except when I needed to zoom in. Last night my camera revived itself. i don't know what the deal was - but I'm glad it's working now!
We went in the middle of the week to avoid crowds. It wasn't packed at all but there were alot more people than we expected. I imagine on summer weekends it's a little more crazy and more difficult to see the animals and there will be lines for the activities. It drizzled a little in the morning but coming from Seattle this was nothing to us :) I did feel bad however when we got there because it was 60 degrees and I had planned for a 80 degree day. The kids were pretty cold but it didn't take too long to warm up and we went to some of the indoor things at first. We got there at 9:15 (just after it opened). Left briefly for lunch, and stayed until the doors closed at 5!
We had a great time and the kids CAN'T WAIT to go back!
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