Sunday, May 23, 2010


My vacuum is a mess. I have had an oreck for nearly 10 years and love it. It has not been doing so well and when I got a quote for repairs it was quite pricey. Didn't even include a tune up. So costco had a sale on their oreck and a dyson online. I ordered the dyson and it hasn't come yet. We got the new oreck today (wanting to compare) and tested it out. In doing so we were looking at the manual and began trying things on our old one. We shampooed the bag (apparrently it smelled like 10 wet dogs whenever it was turned on) and the smell seems to be gone. Figured out how to change the brush (will have to order a part), Jared repaired the cord, changed the belt, and took it apart so we could clean the tubes and housing. It is very possible it is as good as new for nearly no money! I'm still curious enough to test the dyson since it's allready coming but so glad our old one looks saveable.
Anyway, we didn't realize the outer bag would get that dirty. After all, there's an inner bag where all the dirt goes! We vacuumed it out and then shampooed it and this was the water after....

GROSS. Granted, this was after nearly 10 years. I will now be doing this every month. I don't know why it didn't occur to us before! Partly, we were just intimidated to take it all apart in case we ruined it.
Yay for clean!

-- Posted From My iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Not sure about Orecks (although I've heard they're good), but you will LOVE the Dyson and probably never want to use anything else. We have one here and my mother loves hers. Best vacuum she ever used. We first purchased it back when we were in Hot Springs and you wouldn't believe how much dirt it picked up our other vacs were missing. It definitely makes for a cleaner house. I want a couple of his new Air Multiplier fans one of these days so we can ditch our old grille fans. He's really a genius and a brilliant inventor. I've actually got a letter from him on file at my CLO's office.
