Friday, May 7, 2010


I can't remember if I posted Kylie's 6 month stats (which were actually done at 7 months) If not, here they are....
height - 27 inches (off the charts)
weight - 18lbs 11oz (95th percentile)
Developmentally she's doing fantastic.
So she's getting a bit taller and slimming down. She's doing great! She'll fit in her car seat for another inch and/or 3 lbs. We thought we were going to have to give it up a long time ago but her growth slowed. Even now though she can't wear a sweatshirt or coat and still be buckled. But that's ok, she has a REALLY warm bundle me on there and would actually be too hot in a sweatshirt anyway. So we just bring one along.
Today the boys had their 3 year appt. A couple months late due to insurance. No shots so I'm glad about that. I knew it too so was able to prepare them for their appt better. It was totally different this year because they knew exactly what was going on and were able to express themselves. Jared came with me and I'm so glad because otherwise it definitely would have been a challenge. They were both very good and our Dr was SUPER great with them. Jackson was very quiet and very clingy. You could tell he didn't want to do the stuff he was asked to. But he did. Of course on our way out he starts talking a mile a minute and says "that was fun!" Jaden was super great about it with the nurse and he went first. Then for the dr part Jackson went first and Jaden started to cry watching (even though it was obviously no big deal) I think he was just concerned because they had to strip down to their pull ups and they don't really like that. Especially in a weird environment. Afterwards we took them for a treat at starbucks real quick and then had lunch. here are their stats....
Weight: 35 pounds (75th percentile)
Height: 39.75 inches (90th percentile)
Developmentally scored highest on everything except the way he holds his pen. I think this is just because he doesn't care. While he loves working on art projects and coloring - he doesn't really do them for long I'm pretty sure because he can't yet do them to his standards :)
weight: 39.5 pounds (90th percentile)
height: 41.75 inches (95th percentile)
Developmentally scored highest on everything.
Both of them are measuring a little older than 4 and their head size a little older than 5 :)
They weigh more than I thought which means we can put them in booster seats instead of what they're in now. They technically could stay in what they're in now until they no longer needed one but it will be cheaper to buy BOTH boys new boosters than Kylie one new car seat. Plus the boosters are much smaller and easier to move around, keep clean, etc. So we'll likely do that soon. Or at least when Kylie needs to graduate.
Kylie was very good at their appt for which I was greatful. However, she wanted to be held to be happy and both boys wanted to be held for which I was especially thankful Jared was there because that would have gotten quite interesting.
So thankful for healthy kids!

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