Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Pictures

We had a very blessed Christmas. People spoiled us so much which is an extra huge blessing when you are unemployed. :) I bought a few things at the dollar store for the kids (stocking stuffers and things I knew they love like puzzles and coloring) but that was it. You wouldn't have known we didn't really buy them anything - they have TONS of new toys and love them all!
Kylie was a super cute age for Christmas this year - still a baby really so she doesn't comprehend it all or care about everything - but had TONS of fun and was of course capable of opening her own gifts and getting excited about them which was cute.
The boys have been SO excited all season which has made this one the best so far! Christmas Day was no different. I'm certain they were COMPLETELY exhausted but they had fun!
On Christmas Eve we made Christmas cookies and then went to the late afternoon Christmas Eve service at our church with Jared's family. They all came over after for dinner and games.
We got up in the morning and did stockings and then had a big breakfast. Then we opened gifts. Then Kylie took a nap while the kids played and then we Skyped with Geep and Gran. Then we headed over to Jared's parents house and opened gifts (for forever! :) ) and then had a YUMMY prime rib dinner and relaxed at their house for a while. It was a great day!
Enjoy the pictures...

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