Then came the kids choir. There are 2. One of them is for 1st grade and older. But the other starts at age 3. The way this particular choir works is every weekend during Sunday School the kids practice the songs. Some sign up to be in the choir. Then there's one practice the day before the program and some show up. Then the day of the concert a TON show up. They sing with a track that includes voices. We didn't really realize our kids could be in this choir for sure until a couple days ago. Jared took them to practice and while Jaden was super excited, Jackson was not pleased. Jared made him do the practice but in the end Jackson decided not to be a part of the actual program - though he was excited to see Jaden. Jaden was SO excited! I went to the front to get him on camera so here are a bunch of pictures.
Here are some videos. I know it's a mom thing, but I think it's cute. At practice there were no risers and Jaden spent a good deal of the program trying to understand them and figure them out. In one of these videos you can see when he figures out I'm sitting down at the front taking pictures. I believe that moment happened to make it to the big screen.
And then the attempt at family pictures. This never goes that well but this is the best we could get and I don't think it's too bad :)
Afterwards we had dinner with Jared's family (his parents were in the adult choir) and Kylie, who was beside herself with tiredness, was having fun...
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