Thursday, December 23, 2010
A Boy and His Frog - Part 1
Kids typically have stuffed animals they become attatched to. We didn't make any effort to do this and just let the boys figure it out for themselves. Jaden switches around what he's attatched to and never REALLY gets SUPER attatched. He has 2 blankets, a seal, a mouse (someone gave him in the NICU), and a bear. Actually he has two bears that are identical. One was meant for Jaden and one for Jackson, however, Jackson never really took to them. One of them is missing one eye. Jaden always wants "the happy one with 2 eyes". He rotates between all of these animals/blankets and sometimes goes with multiple or even none.
Jackson is a totally different story. He has a frog. When the boys were 9 months old we visited my grandparents in Las Vegas. When we arrived there were several stuffed animals on our bed intended to give the boys. One of them was a frog. As the boys got older Jackson began to hang on to the frog more and more (I don't recall the moment he selected the frog). Soon they became inseperable. The frog has no name, though at one time is was "Pedibone" after some pet on Micky Mouse Clubhouse but it has once again become "my frog".
When you ask Jackson to do something he will often say "my frog can do it" and then proceed to use the frogs hands to accomplish the task. If Jackson gets in trouble for something he will often create a story about the frog.
For example:
Me: "Jackson, you are not aloud to throw balls in the house"
Jackson: "Mom, one time my frog was throwing balls in the house and I told him not to and he didn't do it anymore"
Jackson also tells plenty of stories about his frog. Usually they are completely random. Here are a few I can remember (though I wish I wrote down every single one)
His frog has a house but you have to ride in a hot air balloon to get there.
His frog has a sports car. One time it needed to get new tires at Costco and they cost "five money"
Jackson sometimes talks to his frog's dad on the phone.
His frog sometimes goes to costco to get groceries (this is just a story. Jackson doesn't really bring him in - we can't risk loosing him :))
He tells so many funny stories about his frog and I hope to post many of them here.
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We all love Jackson's froggie!