Saturday, October 24, 2009


Kylie is growing super fast and is now over 11 pounds! I've even had to move her to size 2 diapers. she's doing well and I've even begun introducing the bottle to her and she's starting to pick it up. Not well enough for me to leave her somewhere yet but we're on our way. She's slept at least 7 hours the past 3 nights so I'm hoping it's a pattern. Now to get her to sleep in her crib. We'll be working on that :)
Jared's brother got married on the 17th and all of us except for Kylie were in the wedding. A good friend of mine came to help keep an eye on Kylie which was so helpful. It was a crazy, busy, and exhausting weekend for us but it seemed to go really well. I was SO nervous about what the boys might do during the service. We had several plans to fall back on and they did well overall. They were perfect at the rehearsal (they walked down the aisle with Jared and back with both of us) but it did become clear to us that the real rings should NOT be tied to the pillows :) We were out late at the rehearsal dinner and I was concerned about the kids sleep. However, all 3 kids slept long and it was pretty calm getting ready to go the next day. The boys were great about their outfits and loved the flowers they had pinned on. Not too cooperative for pictures but at least behaving. Right before we walked down the aisle (the music had allready started in) we realized Jackson had stinky pants but we could do nothing at that point so he (and those in smelling distance!) had to deal with it during the ceremony! As they came down the aisle they did great but it was obvious they were curious and a little nervous about why there were so many people and everyone was looking at them. They calmly sat on the stairs and when Jared went to sing they were supposed to go to the front row with Jared's sister's boyfriend. They didn't want to go (they didn't make a scene though :) ) and just stayed on the stairs. During the song they took the fake rings off the pillows and tossed them to the floor, and unpinned their flowers and attempted to pin them back on each other. I was the only one witnessing this and I was accross the stage and could do nothing. It was eventually resolved and they sat on Jared's mom's lap for a couple minutes and then Jaden laid on the floor and sucked his thumb :) They did great the rest of the day and I was so relieved! :)
We went to the pumpkin patch (think those pictures were in the last post) and that was fun! I'll get pics up eventually of the pumpkin carving. My birthday was on the wedding day and though it didn't feel like my wedding day at all, it was still fun :) The boys and Jared made me a layer cake. Jared had never made one before looks like the boys made it by themselves :) But it was nice - and yummy!
The boys say so many funny things lately! Some of them aren't really funny but they seem funny to us because they don't say things like that (well, they do now) Sadly for me I cannot remember any to write down right now except one. As you will see in a picture at the bottom Jackson got my boppy pillow and put his frog (his FAVORITE animal that he ALWAYS has with him and does all kinds of things only people do :) ) on the pillow and said to me "I feeding my froggy now. I need to pump. Please go get me the bag" It was so funny but very cute. They are singing now too. Jesus loves me and ABCs are the current favorite - but will randomly come out with songs sometimes and will sing along to songs they know on TV - so cute! They are also growing like weeds. We bought them jeans a month ago that were quite long and my parents brought a bunch of shirts that fit them at the time but they were really swimming in them. None of these are too small now and I'm sure they'll still be wearing them all for quite a while - but they fit perfectly now and are not at all too big.
The boys love their sister so much and like to help! Jaden especially. He'll ask where she is if she's sleeping upstairs and if she cries he'll sing her a song or rock her chair or look at her. Kylie loves to look at him and will always stop crying. he gets very excited about that.
Sorry for the randomness of these posts. I wait to long inbetween and try to gather all my thoughts in several brief, rushed sittings. The result - completely random, forgetting things, and disjointed. Even now I have no idea what I said at the top of this post. Oh well :)
Here are 2 sets of pictures. The first set is from the camera and if I remember correctly contain random pictures, wedding pictures, and birthday pictures. The second set is a bunch of random ones I just removed from my phone.

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