Saturday, June 30, 2007


I haven't been too good with the videos lately.... I'll try to post some soon.
It's so nice to live so close to the water! I take the boys almost every day for a walk along the water at Birch Bay state park and LOVE it. We went with some friends the other evening to make smores on the beach and here are some pictures....

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Monday, June 25, 2007


The boys had their 4 month checkup today and here are their stats.....
The percentiles compare them to other 4 month olds and are not adjusted for their prematurity...
Jackson: 11 lbs 9.5 oz (3%), 24 and 3/4 inches long (50%) (He's tall!)
Jaden: 11 lbs 11 oz (4%) (Yep, finally passed his brother!), 24 and 1/4 inches long (25%)
They are both healthy and doing well. They both show only slightly delayed developmentally - which is a GOOD thing since they were premature and this compares them to full term babies.
They're definately growing and changing FAST!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Ok, well, I'm not famous but I'm pretty certain I could not be a celebrity. Everyone comes up to us to see the boys and then tells us about whatever relative or friend they know that has twins and what they did. It is nice I suppose but sometimes after multiple occasions of this happening in less than an hour I just want to say - "Could we just have some family time please?" :) I'd never make it as a famous person :)

I haven't posted pictures in a while so here some are. First, Jared's younger brother, Evan, graduated from HS this year and here are some pics. Some are blurry because the lighting was wierd and I didn't know what I was doing....

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I will now attempt a new blogger feature - video upload. Here is Evan coming on stage. You do not see him receive his diploma. My intent was to record him being announced and coming on stage (which was successful) and then quickly switch the camera and take a picture of taking the diploma... but I messed up :) We'll see if this works!

Ok, now here are pictures of the boys. They are growing so fast! They have just started smiling which is fun but often hard to catch on camera. I weighed the boys yesterday and Jackson was 11lbs 7.5 oz and Jaden 11lbs 6.5 oz so it appears that Jaden is catching up! They have their 4 mo appt on Monday so we'll get the official numbers then. Here are some pictures...!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I have not been very good with posting lately. I have taken some pictures and video... but they're still on my camera - I'll work on that soon.
The boys are doing well and are both over 11 lbs! When I look at older pictures I'm shocked at how chunky they've gotten! Both boys are pretty good at holding their heads up and are just starting to smile back at us which is fun. Grandpa Holden came for a week and was a huge help to me and lots of fun for the kids!
Pretty much all our hospital bills came in last week which was quite a bit to pay all at one time. However, some exciting news is a bill we received for $3200 (because our insurance said they didn't cover it) turns out to be somewhat of a mistake. When I called to get the details so I could ask my insurance to reduce it they discoverd the problem and now that's $3200 we don't have to pay! Yay!
We're settling into our house pretty well. I seem to find a few minutes here and there to get things together. I THINK the fence situation is worked out. Our fence will be mismatched - but what can you do? At least it saved us a bunch of money!
I'm getting ready to start doing some outside work from home. I'll primarily be doing Quickbooks and can work pretty much as little as I want to on pretty much whatever schedule I want to so that will be nice. We'll see how it goes over the next months.
I promise to post pictures soon!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Interesting Day

I can't really say today was a BAD day, but not really GOOD either. I suppose it all worked out in the end. But here are a few strange things of the day.

First I wake up to discover our next door neighbors (who haven't moved in yet) are putting in a fence. Now, this isn't really a problem except that they put in a NORMAL fence and the people behind us just put in some sort of PLASTIC fence (It's actually nice and is apparently better than wood) On top of that the two fences don't connect. We were waiting until the lawn got put in (TODAY finally)to talk to both neighbors about fence plans. Apparently we're too late. So now we will have a mismatched fence that doesn't even connect! I guess we should have just had the builder put in the fence instead of waiting to talk to people. AHHHH! We'll see what we can come up with. On the bright side, we don't have to pay for 2/3 of our fence!

Second, the people putting in our fence used our water to fill the post cement. Of course WE pay for the water. Actually this is no big deal, but I find it odd that people would use someone elses water without asking, especially when the people's house they are at have water of their own.

Third, we found just the right spot for our sprinklers and then the people putting in the lawn just came over and grabbed one to put on the lawn they laid. I appreciate them wanting to water that part of the lawn, but again, I find it strange.

Also, we've been in our house 2.5 months now and have yet to have our 30 day warrenty. They are only open when Jared is at work. Now these people are all very nice but it's getting frustrating because we have no rack in our coat closet and our ceiling fan/light switches don't work. There are other things too, but they aren't annoying. Also we've had a couple other problems that aren't the builders fault so we're not quite sure what to do, nor do we have alot of time to deal with them :)

And finally, I THINK the boys are teething....WHAT? OK, so I think it's WAY too early for them to be teething. Part of me wants to be wrong, but the other part wants to be right because otherwise we need another explanation. They have been fussy, and have a RIDICULOUS amount of drool. They eat their hands and move their mouth like they're eating but when I feed them more they just chew and don't eat (except at normal feeding times) I thought they were having a growth spurt and are just hungry (which I still haven't ruled out) but they seriously won't eat MORE. So now I have no idea what's going on or what to do. I called the dr. who told me the phone number was good 24/7 only to find out it's only open Mon-Fri during certain hours.

So, this was a strange day but it ended up quite good. I'm STILL up at 1 in in the morning because I thought the boys would wake up to eat and they haven't and I still want to stay up because i know the moment I get comfy, the tears will start. I have no idea what I'm doing! :) Maybe I should just go wake them up. They ate ALOT today though (since I kept feeding them!)