Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas! Though Jared and I learned that with kids and can be quite exhausting - but in a good way :)
We spent time as a family on Christmas Eve then met Jared's famly at our old church for a Christmas Eve service and everyone headed back to our house for food, an ornament exchange and the gift exchange (where we drew names).
Jared and I and the kids spent the first half of the day at our house for breakfast, stockings, and gifts then headed over to Jared's parents for a yummy dinner and more gifts! The boys had a blast and Kylie did too. Those kids sure are spoiled. We only bought them each 2 small gifts and filled their stockings and they have TONS of new things. Nice for us! :)
Before I forget I need to make note of one other cute thing the boys say. Instead of the Christmas tree having NEEDLES, it has NOODLES. So cute :)
We hope everyone had a great Christmas! Enjoy the pictures! (you will see a silly one of me wearing 3 necklaces. Jared had given me one and they boys each gave me one they picked out specifically for me and both wanted me to wear those too. So cute!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Boys: zangle bails, zangle bails, zangle all da way. It's so much fun to ride in a one hopen sleigh!

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Fire Engines

I forgot to mention something else fun the boys did because I wasn't there and don't have pictures. Jared's parents took them overnight so we could get Christmas shopping done and get some rest. The boys got to help decorate their Christmas tree and the next day went to some event where they picked out Christmas gifts for us (Jackson has leaked a couple :) ) and made us Christmas cards. Then they got to ride a fire engine which they thought was really great! I'm pretty sure it was at the train station too which would make it extra exciting. It was fun for us to. Nice to get our shopping done but even nicer to put Kylie back to bed after her morning feed and then go back to bed ourselves!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Time is Here

It's been long enough since I've blogged I can't remember everything I need to update on.
I think the boys are getting excited about Christmas but I don't think they really grasp it. It will be fun this year! They've certainly enjoyed all the decorations everywhere.
We took them on a COLD COLD night to a lighted parade in Lynden and they loved it. They even ate their first candy canes.
The whole Bryant family went down south to "The Lights of Christmas" and it was COLD and SNOWING. It wasn't windy though so it wasn't too bad since we were dressed warmly. There were tons of lights, a petting farm, kettle corn (I really think that was Jackson's favorite part), train ride and a pony ride. We did it all - except Jackson did not want to ride the ponys. Jaden was very excited about it and Jackson said "nope because they are too fast". He wasn't upset but this was his very matter of fact answer every time. he wasn't even disappointed that he missed out. Grandma took Jaden and we thought for sure he'd back out. The pony's are big and someone else needed to pick him up to put him on. But he did it without one concern and LOVED it. the pictures of this night aren't great since it was dark - and then my battery died half way through. It snowed that day but we were safe on the road and I'm glad we went.
Kylie is 3 months old and almost 16 pounds! I'm having a hard time finding the appropriate size for her to wear mostly because she's so tall. unfortunately there will be a number of outfits she'll only wear once :( but I have them all lined up in the closet so we can be sure she gets to them all (I hope :)) She smiles and talks all the time. I think I've heard some actual laughs too. Within the past week she's gotten really good at picking her head up. So I have to be more careful now of what she may be able to do and she gets frustrated if she can't see what we're doing and tries to move her head. I think she's starting to prefer the bumbo to the bouncer seat though she does get worn out. She LOVES watching her brothers play. She's been sleeping at night in her crib the past couple weeks and doing fine. Not sleeping as long as she did in the swing but we're still getting at least 7 or 8 hours. Then I feed her, put her in her swing, and she sleeps a few hours more. Really I think the reason she's waking up is because she's unswaddling herself. It's impossible to keep her swaddled these days - but she refuses to fall asleep without it. She cried for an hour the other night. I thought for sure she'd just eventually fall asleep but she didn't. i went and got her and through her red teary face she gave me a huge smile. Guess she didn't know I was just being mean and letting her cry :) So I swaddled her and she was fine. We'll see how this progresses. I'm also getting them all to nap at once most days. Kylie will take a small nap in the morning (30 min to 1 hr) and then I put her down usually before I put the boys down and she will often sleep a few hours so this is a nice change for me.
The boys are doing well but sometimes don't take much of a nap which is a bummer. They talk a mile a minute and are learning alot. They are DEFINATELY not lacking in energy!
As I mentioned, we had some snow and the boys LOVED it. Last year they really hated it but couldn't wait to play in it each day (there were only a couple). They would throw snow at you and say "I snowed you!"
Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jesus is not scary

Rachel: Next week is Christmas. Do you know what we do on Christmas?
blank stares
Rachel: we open presents and go to grandpa and grandmas and celebrate baby Jesus' birthday.
Boys: yeah!
Jackson: and Jesus will bring a cake for Jesus!
Jaden: and Jesus will not be scary
Rachel: No, Jesus is not scary. Jesus loves you.
Jaden: Yeah, and I love Jesus too.
Jackson: and she will come over to our house for her birthday!
Rachel: Jesus is a he
Jaden: yeah, and she....he....will not cry. And he will like my cars.
Jackson: yeah! only babys cry.
we watched frosty the snowman last night and the boys loved it.
jackson: he has a hammer in his mouth!
jared: that's not a hammer. it's a pipe
jackson: what's it for? that's not a pipe. it's a hammer. that's not a good idea.

Multimedia message

Multimedia message

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Multimedia message

Jaden: dear jesus help us have good verse. And children obey. Thank you jesus. We love you jesus

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Kids are funny

Ok, I have to start remembering some of the funny things the boys say. So I'm going to write them here. I know some of you will enjoy them, some will think they're lame, and some of them are funny only to me because I live with them.

Jaden (while using some toy to "brush" his dog (Scooter)): "I am cutting my puppy!:
Me: "Are you cutting his hair?"
Jaden: "No! His fur! Now he is squeaky clean!....Oh! Look at his fur! It's still on there! Ok puppy, you are going to be still"

later running the toy on his head: "I cutting my fur!"


Jackson coughs
Jaden: "Are you ok?"
Jackson:.............don't BOTHER me!


Jaden (just getting to Great Clips): "Daddy is going first, I am going NEXT"
Jaden when Jared is done: "You did a GREAT job dad!"


We went to Jared's office one night when he worked late. The boys haven't been there in a LONG time and didn't remember it at all. They were kindof scared when I was taking them in. When we got in...

Jaden: "That wasn't scary!"
Me: "No, it isn't. This is where dad works"
Jaden: "This not the grey one" (church)
Jared: "Hi guys!"
Jackson: "Hey dad! You live here!"


a general prayer often goes like this....

"Dear Jesus, kankoo this day, kankoo we go outside, help us have good food, help us have good rest, help us (listing off a variety of things we either did or they wanted to do for the day) Amen!"


My current favorite is the way Jackson says "Christmas" "Quimuss" or sometime "gremess" is the best way to describe it. Jaden says it pretty well


If they ask me if the can do something I often say "yes you may!" So they will say "Mom! May I ....?" However, they will also say things like "Jaden! May you go get me that car?"


They often like to call everyone names. They arene't being mean, they are just being silly and think it's hillarious. They will call you anything from a piece of toast to a house to a silly boy.

Jaden (to me): "you a pig! you're a dirty pig!"
Me: ya know, that's not really a nice thing to say (imagining him saying something like this to someone who is unaware of their silly game)
Jaden:............"you a CLEAN pig!"


Jackson: "That will be an idea!"


their word (well untill a couple weeks ago) for pancakes was "babycakes"


Jaden: "Those shoes are too fancy!" (no idea where he heard the word fancy, this is why it's funny)


Most of the time no matter who Jaden is referring to, man, woman, child, manequin, whoever he calls them "that man"


Maybe I'll remember more of the most recent ones and post them. But I'm going to try to post them as they happen.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Holidays!

During November Jared's office was open extra hours due to a new release. He worked a number of late nights and Saturdays including the Fri and Sat after Thanksgiving. Even so, we had a nice Thanksgiving at his parents. The boys helped me bake pie and it was Kylie's first Thanksgiving! We attempted to get a family photo and you will see our different attempts. None are great but at this stage I'll take what I can get! :)

On Saturday Jared worked at 6am but was able to leave at 11am and we went to cut down our Christmas tree. We went to the same place we get our pumpkins from and based on how they do the pumpkin patch I was expecting something alot more exciting - but we still had a good time! I think there was even a little snow in the air! There wasn't much rain while we were there so that was nice. The had a large nativity with a live camel and donkey and manaquins for people. Jaden was terrified of the manequins. He wouldn't even go in and was in tears. Before we left he went in all on his own but kept a close eye on the fake people :) We got everything decorated this past weekend (except the outside) and the boys have been much better about not touching the tree than I thought. We've only lost 2 ornaments :) Our tree isn't decorated very evenly this year - but the boys loved being a part of doing it! Kylie loved watching everyone do the decorating. Enjoy the pictures! Oh, and while Kylie is definately getting bigger and bigger she's not as big as she appears in some of these pictures....she's wearing a really big coat! She looks so old in some of the pictures!