Monday, January 18, 2010

Recent Pictures

Here are a bunch of random pictures. Including....

The boys go some sunglasses in a goody bag and think they're super cool.
We took the kids down to Renton for a friend's birthday party where they rented a train and the boys got to ride. Jackson went a few times and loved it then got off. Jaden continued to ride. When we asked Jackson if he wanted to go on again he said "No, because it is too fast" You could walk next to this train.
Kylie had her first few bites of rice cereal the other day. She did much better than I thought. She didn't seem to like it really but she also didn't really protest. She only had a few bites and I haven't given her anymore. She fits great in the high chair which is funny because we didn't even get them for the boys until they were about 9 months old. We just used them for something else and they were so skinny they would slide around in them.

Enjoy.....I'll try to get videos up later. I'm WAY behind on that.

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