Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Through the eyes of a child

Ok, I don't want to forget this conversation I just had with the boys
so I need to type it out...
When I go to Bible study on Wednesdays they have been learning about
the armor of God. Today they decorated their sun hat which is the
"helmet of salvation"...
Jaden: mom do you like my hat? It's nice. I had a star and two crosses
drawed on there. Those are the shapes of salvation.
Me: oh.... So who can tell me what salvation is?
Jackson: it's the salvation of God!
Me: you're right! What does that mean?
Jackson: I don't know
Me: can you tell me what sin is?
Jaden: I don't know
Me: sin is when you do wrong things like when you're mean to each
other or say things that aren't nice or when you disobey. God doesn't
like sin. So he sent his son Jesus to save us from our sins. (knowing
even this was a bit longer than they could pay attention to)
Jaden: what is sin?
Me: when you are not nice, or disobey
Jaden: what is nice?
Me: when you share or give hugs or obey, things like that (I know that
doesn't really describe nice but its what I came up with in context)
Jaden: (big grin and always the pleaser) I shared that toy with Jackson
Me: yes, that was nice.

Then Jaden proceeded to give us all hugs....
And then....

Jackson: I'm going to pray and tell Jesus to come here and for you to
pray in the van to not forget our fruit snacks.
Me: because I forgot last time?
Jackson: yeah
Me: And that wasn't nice?
Jackson: no. Mom, you need to pray! (complete with a smile, head
shake, and finger shaking)

Ahhhh, kids.....

Rachel Bryant

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO glad you shared that! It's so hard at that age to explain some of the basic concepts, and I think you did a great job! I CAN'T WAIT to visit you guys in a couple of weeks and have my own conversations with the kids! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
