Monday, October 25, 2010

It was the best of times it was the worst of times.....

For those who know us well you know this year has been quite a challenge in a number of different areas of our lives. It hasn't been a horrible year overall but it has definitely had it's moments.
Last week Jared lost his job at the company he'd been working for for 8 years. I have absolutely no idea anymore who reads this blog so that is all I will say about that specifically here.
In some ways we've been somewhat mentally prepared for this for quite some time. I almost feel like the past few years have been one long game of chicken. But even so, it's always a shock when it happens and we never knew for certain that it would. In some ways (though this will sound strange to many of you) this has answered a couple different prayers for us and for those I am so thankful. But as you can imagine, it brings up alot of prayer REQUESTS and concerns as well :) God has been faithful to us no matter our surrounding circumstances and I know he will continue to do so. To be honest, while nobody truly wants to loose their job or be without income it does open the door for endless opportunities. It kind of creates an awkward and uncomfortable but at the same time amazingly wonderful freedom. You have no choice but to change your life and move to something new. We're excited to see what God does with that.
Anyway, if you know Jared - he CAN NOT do nothing. Makes him crazy. Especially when he's forced to do nothing. So he's on a good hunt allready for job possibilities. We have no idea how long he'll be unemployed but we know God is in control and he has a plan. You should have seen my sweet little Jaden's eyes light up when he found out daddy will be home more for a while. For the first time in a LONG time our schedule is quite open. Jared's not leading at church for a few months due to random circumstances and now he doesn't have a job. It's good to have family time and we will take advantage of it while seeking our next step in life.
Like I said, I don't know who reads this blog these days. I know that in the past Jared has, on occasion, directed customers here to see his family and what we're up to. If any of you are reading this now please know that YOU were what Jared loved about his job. Jared is all about relationship and it was the relationships with his customers that kept him going. He always valued and appreciated you and I know he wishes he could have connected one last time with you. So thank you. Thank you not only for bringing him your business, but for making his days brighter as well.
On with the journey!


  1. Y'all will be in my thoughts and prayers. I pray that you'll enjoy the "endless opportunities" and sweet family time. :) Keep the great photos & awesome preschool banter coming, I love reading!

  2. What a great attitude as you move into this new phase of your life! I admire that! And Happy 10th anniversary...can't believe it's been that long! God has certainly blessed those years, and I'll pray that He'll continue to do so! I'm also excited to see what He has in store for you!

  3. Chris and Melody HarrellOctober 29, 2010 at 7:32 AM

    Oh Rach, I'm sorry to hear this news. From one who has also been there many times, God is most certainly faithful and this will turn into a great blessing for your family. love you very much!
