Sunday, November 20, 2011

a Little Update

I am still trying to fix posting to the blog from my phone. It keeps messing up and I don't know why.
Here's a quick update...
Jared started his new job at the beginning of October, trained for a month and is now in the full swing of regular work. He's doing well but this is a harder time of year to reach people on the phone. We are hoping it all starts coming together to be more consistant after the holidays. Please pray the sales start rolling in :)for 2 months Jared has left us home for the week with no car while he traveled to Charlotte and stayed with a variety of wonderful people. My parents helped with transportation to Awana and usually got us out of the house once a week or so.
We were feeling like we would not be able to afford to move to Charlotte to join him for a number of reasons - the main one being the fee for breaking our rental contract here. We were incredibly blessed with a wonderful, undeserved gift that is allowing us to make this happen. We a so thankful! We found a GREAT place not too far from Jared's work and got a great deal. It is very spacious with a huge fenced yard that even has little play set in it! When we were asking the boys a while back what they were hoping for they said a fenced yard and a play set. This made me sad because fewer yards are fenced here and finding something with these specifications and something we could afford was unlikely. It touches my heart that God cared about the things my kids cared about and we feel so blessed! We are moving the weekend of Thanksgiving and are looking forward to getting started with our new life.
I have mentioned before that we rented out our house in WA. Not our top choice but it presented itself at the last minute and we were feeling stuck. They moved in June 1, paid their deposit, June, July, and part of August and then we never saw another dime despite many promises. We gave them a pay or vacate notice which they did not comply with then telling us they had filed bankruptcy - but they had not. We ended up having to pay a lawyer who went through the process to the point where the sheriff posted a notice on their door to get out in 3 days or he would physically remove them. They got out quickly - moving just down the street.... They did end up filing bankruptcy which means they won't have to pay us the thousands of dollars they owe us - but we are just glad at this point that they are out. There is definitely some damage inside but it could have been much worse. Some wonderful people went over and cleaned it and took care of the yard (which included picking up literally 5gallons of dog poop). The house should go on the market this week. What a whirlwind!
Some things to pray for...
That Jared will be making sales so we can get our lives back together
That our house will sell fast. I mean SUPER fast! Not sure what the future holds as far as making payments, etc
That our transition will be smooth moving to Charlotte
That we will find a good church quickly
That God will continue to provide for us
That we will have peace and trust God with whatever happens
Thanks for your prayers and we will keep you posted!

come back and physically remove them. They got out in the nick of time and moved right down the stt

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