Thursday, December 6, 2007

New Things

The boys are growing so fast! We had to lower their cribs so they can't pull themselves out! Jackson is an expert cheerio eater and Jaden just figured it out - but Jaden puts the cheerio as far back in his mouth as possible and doesn't chew or swallow it so he is constantly gagging himself!
Last weekend we got several inches of snow (which all melted Sunday night!). We decided to take the boys for a walk in their first snow. We bundled them up and put them in the stroller. When we got to the end of the driveway Jackson decided we must be killing him and wouldn't calm down so that was the end of that walk!
Jaden likes copying sounds. He often tries to copy you (though often unsuccessfully - but it's funny to watch him concentrating on it). The funniest thing is When you open a jar (and it makes that popping sound), or clap, or click your tongue - He will click his tongue back at you to copy the sound. It's super cute!
Jaden is also getting on his hands and knees now and rocking - he can even go backwards a little bit - I'll have my work cut out for me soon!
Here are some pictures of the past week....
BubbleShare: Share photos - Print Christmas Coloring Pages.

Jaden like so grab the end of the blanket he plays on and then gets himself stuck....

I'm pretty sure he's just learning to say his m's, but I like to say it's his first word! :)


  1. So sweet! thanks for those great videos!!!

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