Saturday, January 10, 2009

Too Fast

The boys are growing up way too fast. Jackson got his first buzz cut today. It was very sad for mom. He's had many hair cuts before but the back of his hair does this weird stand straight up thing so we thought it was time. It looks nice (though a little thin on top - but that will thicken up) and he looks older.
We went to a birthday party this morning (where the boys did very well and had fun) and we got them home for their nap a tad late - it was obvious that they were tired. We put them to bed and they started to wind up. Jared was downstairs and I was up and thought I heard a thud and a whine. I listened for a minute and didn't hear anything so I knew all was well and thought someone kicked the side of their crib or something. Then....I hear their bedroom door close....what? So I go over and look under their door and am pretty sure I see little feet. So I go get Jared and we come up to see which one has learned to climb out of their crib. We open the door and Jaden is running around and Jackson is in Jaden's crib! We laughed (though silently I was crying - many children climb out of their crib way before this and I have felt so blessed that mine don't - but now, life as I know it is over :)) They were obviously not tired so we took them downstairs and eventually they were BEYOND tired so we took them up. Several minutes later we here a couple thuds so we make our way up the stairs. We meet two boys marching down the hall in the dark. Though we decided to give up on the nap for the day we put Jackson in his crib and asked him to show us how they do it. They actually pull themselves up on the dresser (perfect height and very stable) between their cribs, get on their stomachs, and let themselves to the floor. Tonight before bed we had a conversation about how they needed to stay in bed and they stayed their and fell asleep but I have a feeling they will get out first thing in the morning (sad for me because I usually let them play in there a little while in the morning while I get ready). So I think we'll put them in their toddler beds this week and teach them that they need to stay in their beds. Pray for me this week as I'm sure naps will be a huge challenge and I will be putting the boys to bed myself 3 nights this week. :)
One of these days the boys are just going to start having constant conversations with me. Jackson is already trying. He talks a mile a minute. I usually know what he's talking about but I don't always know why and I don't know half the words he's saying. I think he will be the "why" child.
They have zoomed through 18 and 24 month clothes and are now fitting nicely in 3T. I thought that size would last us a while...but I don't know.
They love to be together and are really good at sharing....but also at fighting over the same toy :)
Jackson is pretty good at playing basketball and Jaden is pretty good at using his toy guitar as an actual guitar.
We've been working on please and thank you with the boys and they're really good with please. Jaden is good at Thank you but I have to remind him. When I try to get Jackson to say thank you he says - welcome! I can't seem to get that fixed, but it will fix itself eventually :)
Both boys know many of their letters and colors and are starting to count - so that's fun. I'm not a believer in pushing them too hard (just a little to encourage them to learn). I tried working with them on letters and numbers before and they just were not interested so I dropped it. Now they are taking an interest on their own and learning quickly.
Tonight when we put the boys to bed we said goodnight and Jared was at Jaden's bed and said "I love you" and Jaden said it back to him - it was very sweet.
That's about it from here I guess. I'm going to see if I have time to load up some pictures now and if so....there will be another post!

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