Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Last Update for A While Probably....

I'm so behind on blogging but even now I don't really feel like it! I'll try to catch up though and then the next post might very well be a baby one!
The boys are growing faster and faster all the time. Their language is constantly improving and they are so funny. We just moved them to their toddler beds. I was quite disappointed because I liked putting them there and knowing they'd stay (well except from going from crib to crib) but not only did I want them to be used to it by the time the baby comes but I just can't lift them in and out of the crib anymore. They've actually done very well. Only a few times going to sleep have we had to go back and tell them to obey and then they do without a further fight. I put a gate up outside their room so they can't roam the house and I can get what I need before getting them. It works well but they are now sleeping about an hour and a half less each night which leaves them quite tired and grumpy and gets me up earlier too! I'm not too excited about that but we'll just adjust our schedules a little bit and see if we can get it all worked out.
I'm doing allright but experiencing quite a bit of pain with my stomach muscles separating. Boo! I feel fine when lying down but anything else - ow!!!! That makes things quite challenging but Jared has been a big help as well as friends and family so we can get through! They kept telling me I measure further along and then randomly started saying I was on track. I did not ask questions. Then this past time on the way home I realized they've been telling me I'm a week further ahead of where I am based on my due date. Now I know due dates are relative and it really doesn't matter. But I'd still like to know what's going on. so I'm either just over 35 weeks or just over 36 weeks right now. Who knows! I'll check with them on what they're thinking at my next appt. In any case the dr is guessing she's allready around 6.5 pounds - not small for sure! We've gotten tons of stuff done and are ready for the baby. Still looking for a dresser though and will wait till then to hang things on the wall. I am freaking out though about the fact that in probably somewhere between 2 and 5 weeks we will have a new little person living here! Not to mention giving birth! Still working on the name too.....
Update on the playground: Jared got it and he and his friend decided to sand and stain it. They've made quite a bit of progress but have more to do. We are also waiting on some more parts to come in due to warrenty replacement. Hopefully it will be up soon looking as good as new :)
We had some really hot weather last week. It wasn't awful but the boys spent alot of time in the pool and I had to put fans on the bed and lay under a cold wet towel to keep from going crazy :)
That's all I can think of now. My dad was just here and was a great help and my sister in law will be here beginning Monday until the baby comes to help with things and be around to care for the boys when I go into labor. I seriously do not know what I would have done without her over these past months - she's been so helpful!
Here are some pictures of what's been going on. I can't remember of all that's in there but you will notice a couple of pictures of the boys using what looks like a mini drill (it's actually a screwdriver). they're helping change their cribs to big boy beds and all on their own they figured out how to remove screws with the screw driver. No help from us! I wasn't surprised they understood how it worked but was surprised they were successfull on the first try!

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