Thursday, June 23, 2011

Quick Update

Hmmm.... I'm not finding much time for blogging lately. Or taking pictures. I know that's lame for people we don't live near so.... I'll try to do better.
We're doing well and settling in.
Jared's still looking for a job.... but has had some good meetings, etc. God has been faithful to provide and we are very thankful.
In many ways I feel like our new house is home since home is all about family. Something I love to do though it make it cozy like home... if you know what I mean. Still trying to figure that one out with white wall and no moolah :) But it's working out well. Getting the boys their bunk beds in a few days and that will give them more room for sure.
I have a new job! It's part time and from home. Seems like a perfect fit for me so are hopeful it works well. This is something I can do no matter what schedule Jared might have in the future so I'm thankful for that.
We've tried a number of churches and a couple seem to be a good fit. Jared has met with the worship pastors a couple places and enjoyed that. Not getting involved yet since it's summer and there's not much opportunity. That's a bummer for Jared. Side note: Church is very different in the South. Not in a better or worse way - it just is.
We got a couch and chair for the living room. Red which is weird for me, but I like it. Not microfiber which is super weird for me especially since I can't shampoo it (gross). BUT I kinda like the look of it and it was a grand total of $100. It was COVERED in dog hair. I cannot believe I went for it. after the first cleaning I realized I had made a terrible mistake and was prepared to relist it on Craigslist. Then I cleaned it again and it's MUCH better. It's in great shape too - so now we have furniture to sit on :)
I'm trying to implement more regular individual "dates" for the boys. Most recently Brueggers (YUM - AND cheaper than a coffee date!) so that has been fun.
The boys continue to get up around 6. yikes. I try to work in the mornings but I can't handle getting up before that.
Kylie is regularly using sentences now. She's pretty funny. I had a picture out with Bob in it. Bob comes up occasionally but not really. I showed Kylie the picture and asked her who it was and she said "That's Bob!" I thought that was cute.
The kids keep mentioning Joey. They miss him as do we. He's in a situation right now that we could get him back when we are ready. Hopefully in the not too distant future we might be able to make that decision.
The boys talk about Birch Bay all the time. Interesting to see their perspective on things.
Next week we will be visiting my brother and his family in Charlotte, so that will be fun. We'll see a couple other friends too - including some that moved here from Bellingham of all places AND they will have friends visiting from Bellingham that we also know. Small World.
There are many days that feel very discouraging. At the same time, we are often very encouraged when we think about how God has provided for us.
Thanks for all your prayers!

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