Wednesday, June 17, 2009


My new routine is to sit IN the boys room while they try to go to sleep for nap. Successfull so far. jaden was upset today for some reason so I rocked him to sleep but Jackson is currently practicing clapping his feet and seeing if he can balance his stuffed frog on his stomach while he sticks his stomach in the air. Sigh. Hopefully he'll be tired soon. The boys like music - primarily Hillsong. Really the main thing is that there are lots of drums. If they like a song in the car they ask for me to turn it up, if the don't like it (usually it's too quiet) they say "other one?" They sing "Yes Jesus Loves Me So, Bible Bible tell me so" ALL the time and I think I heard Jackson once singing his own version of "If you're happy and you know it" Yesterday they began randomly singing "How Great is Our God" Funny because I don't know when the last time they heard that was (same for Jesus loves me) except what Jared or I would sing them when we rocked them as babies. Maybe they've known them all along and can just now begin to actually sing them. It goes like this..."Ow Gweeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat ow Got. Wing it me. Ow Gweeeeeeeaaaat ow Got!" they also started singing "Your love makes me sing" Ok, I don't know if that's what it's called. They sing "ahlooa, ahlooa, ahlooa, love me me wing" So cute! I actually captured some on video yesterday (they were pretending their car rug was a stage) along with a second attempt that just turned out to be randomness from Jackson.

I had a dr appt on Mon at 8am and the boys had spent the night at J's parents Sun night. However, we both woke up at 5 till 8 which is very unusual. Then when I called the dr I had to get rescheduled for the next day. That was lame but everything looks good. I only gained 3 pounds this month and none the previous month (probably made up for it though in the first months :)) and am where I should be. She did a couple of tests to check for signs of early labor and everything looks good. I'll start going in now every 2 weeks. I do not have gestational diabetes which I'm SO glad about, but I am slightly anemic. Just barely so I'll probably be taking a few iron pills here and there. She is head down which the dr tried to show me to feel - but I couldn't tell. I'm measuring 2 weeks farther along than I am (which is wierd because at my first appt she said I measured farther along also). So we'll see what happens I guess. It's wierd because at the beginning of this pregnancy I coudn't really compare to last time but now that I'm bigger I can tell that I'm DEFINATELY quite a bit smaller than last time around. It's wierd. I feel like I must be only 4 months pregnant instead of 6. At this point last time the boys were taking up so much space that maternity pants just were not fitting comfortably and I was wondering how I'd make it to the end. (I have another friend with twins who is super tiny and she can also testify to this happening so I feel better about it :) ) Anyway, it's totally wierd to think I'm as far along as I am.
Well, Jackson is still goofing around putting one hand on his face and smacking that hand with the other hand....ok....? Now he's giving his frog hi fives. I guess I'll try to get some more computer stuff done....

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean your due date is potentially 2 weeks sooner than you originally thought?
