Thursday, June 4, 2009


Wow. What a day. The weather has been SOOOOO nice here and we've been able to spend alot of time outside. Today started out great with the morning routine and then going outside to play with the new water toy. I think the novelty is wearing off so they only lasted about 45 min outside, but maybe they were just too hot. We took our dog to get his nails clipped and then I thought it would be fun to take them to the beach for a while. I almost took our dog but decided against it thankfully. Last summer I could have never handled the boys by myself there because they were too wobbly and always wanting to be held, etc so it we would just go as a family. This summer they're great though and run around and entertain themselves with only a few small interventions needed. We went today and the tide was fairly low which meant there were all kinds of rocks with barnacles all over them and slippery seaweed. They don't fall alot but Jackson did today. It wasn't too bad actually but it did upset him. I'm getting too pregnant to carry my heavy boys around much so I picked him up and explained this and told him I'd hold his hand if he wanted. He was fine with this and then suddenly, for no reason, they both got really whiny and upset and wanted me to carry them. There was no way i could carry even one all the way back to the car and certainly not both. So I decided it was time to go, took both their hands and walked back to the car. Fortunately they didn't decide to go limp or we would have had problems. However, the whole way back to the car Jackson was sobbing and talking about going to the water and Jaden was throwing the biggest temper tantrum of all time. I FINALLY got to the car where the tantrum continued back to the house and lasted through their punishment. I then rocked them and they calmed down so we went up for a nap. Major temper tantrum again from Jaden and I think he slept 30 minutes. What a long day. They went to bed pretty happy though and I hope for a better day tomorrow :) Hopefully we can have a successful beach trip too because I was really looking forward to doing that this summer.
I'm definately feeling more pregnant. I probably wouldn't be as concerned about it if the boys hadn't come early but before I do too much my stomach starts cramping up. So..... I'm having to restructure what I do so I don't overdo it. Kind of a pain but I can definately still manage on my own.
The summer has been great so far and we've spent alot of time at the beach and playground which the boys love. They LOVE the beach. I'm getting excited to join the pool though I don't know if the boys will be scared. They'll have life vests but hopefully I can manage easily - it would be fine I'm sure if I wasn't pregnant.
I really want to get the baby's room completely ready this month and get pretty much everything we will need just in case. We went shopping down south this weekend to get some of the bigger items (money money money) and were able to get our crib. It's very nice and we couldn't have spent much less on it so we're happy. We decided to convert the boys beds to toddler beds and get a crib instead of getting something for the boys. Definately cheaper. We did find however that even down south no one carrys much in stock so you have to find stuff online which is kind of annoying if you don't like it and have to send it back but we're so glad we didn't have to buy the crib that way. I think Drs offices shouldn't charge you any money at all until after the baby is born since you have so many expenses in preparation for the baby because it's kind of overwhelming. Part of that though is that I have a really high deductable on my insurance - which is still totally worth it based on the money I'm saving monthly so I shouldn't complain :)
Hmmmm....maybe this post was a downer but I guess I just needed to vent about my day! :) On a more positive note, here are some funny things the boys say and do...

Earlier on I had cravings for bagels from crusin coffee. They have a unique building and every time we pass one the boys refer to it as "Mom's Food"

Here are some words they have learned in nursery (because I don't know where else it would have come from) "No" (instead of no thankyou), "Mines!", "Be Kiwet!" (Be quiet) nice.

Jaden no longer likes nursery :( Actually he has a great time once he's been there a minute but all the way there he says "no thankyou big boy class" "mommy come in a minute" If I come in he's fine but the minute I leave he's really upset. He's never done that before. At one of the classes he goes to he fell down and skinned up his nose really badly. It wasn't as bad as it looked and he didn't seem botherd about it after he cried right after it happend. But it was super lame because then complete strangers would questions us and him about it. He didn't like attention being drawn to it and would get upset and people wouldn't let up (this confuses me. If they had a mark on their face I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want anyone to even notice it let alone ask 101 questions) anyway, I think this whole combination is why he doesn't want to go and I'm praying he gets over it soon.

They wear sunglasses now and think they're super cool. They are and I have pictures (later) to prove it.

They pretend all kinds of funny things and often use a stick to be just about any tool/object they can think of.

They often put their stuffed animals in time out and tell them to obey.

They say "my" alot. "My see it!" "My turn!" "Mines!" "My go get it" Apparently they're still learning what it means.

They like to count but are currently skipping 4. 1 2 3 5 6 is normal but will sometimes to to 10. Sometimes I count with them to 20 and they think it's really funny.

They like to sing "Yes Jesus loves me so!" over and over and play the drums and dance. Sometimes they turn it into a game or concert and line their animals up to watch them.

The other day we were leaving and I was making them juice. They told me they were going upstairs to get an animal to take and would be right back. When I finished the juice they still weren't back and weren't responding to me so I went upstairs and they were standing in the tub with their shoes and clothes, water running, playing with toys. sigh.

Jared has jury duty for 2 weeks. He was in selection for 2 days and then cut. He doesn't have to go back till Monday. Now when he goes somewhere the boys say "Daddy doody doody" (daddy jury duty)

The only acceptable name for the baby according to Jaden is Mommy.

I guess that's enough rambling for now. Off to enjoy some peace and quiet.

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