Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We had a great mother's day! Jared and the boys let me sleep in and went and got me flowers and blueberry bushes (Jackson's pick). When they got home they couldn't wait to give them to me so I came downstairs to see. Then they made me chocolate and strawberry crepes. Yum! Jared has perfected his crepe recipe and cooking style and they were delicious! The boys were then SUPER cranky so all the kids took a LONG nap while Jared and I relaxed and then we had a late lunch picnic and campfire at the (PACKED) beach. After the kids went to bed Jared made me a yummy steak dinner. It was a great day!
The boys LOVE to play outside. It used to be no matter how much there was to do out there it was a stretch to keep them out there for 40 min. Now, they'll stay out there all day. They play really well together (most of the time) and have tons of fun! Kylie likes it when she and I go out there and she gets to swing and watch me play with the boys.
Kylie is doing great. Such a happy baby. She's definitely a sleeper. I've enjoyed her going to bed earlier in the evening so I can have some time to myself or with jared and still get to bed at a reasonable hour. It does make it challenging if we are going somewhere at night though because if she isn't distracted she's a mess of tiredness. She also really needs at least one nap a day. I remember this stage with the boys!
Potty training is going MUCH better! I've decided to do one at a time because in doing them both someone was always having and accident while i was working with the other one and we were getting nowhere. I'm working with Jaden right now and it's going quite well. When we're home I put him in underwear (he got to pick out a pack at the store) all day except naps and bedtime. When we're out he wears a diaper which is a pain but I've come to the realization that sometimes pullups do NOT work for them and it's the worst mess ever - not good when you're out. I worked with him just a little last week and on his underwear day he had one accident. This week he's been in underwear every day and only had one accident. It's clear he's catching on though he's not telling me he needs to go and is denying having to (but that's to be expected right?) In a couple weeks i may attempt to not diaper him when we go out and will also get started with Jackson. If Jaden has success he gets 2 m&ms and Jackson gets one. That way Jaden knows he's being rewarded for his success and Jackson doesn't have to sit around for weeks without the opportunity to be rewarded for it. (I won't even let him go if he asks UNLESS Jaden has JUST gone - otherwise I'll get overwhelmed again - plus I know he's just asking so he can get candy :)) Jackson is clear that in a couple weeks it will be his turn to get 2 candies and have Jaden get one. The downfall of this plan is that Jaden always goes right before nap and the candies keep them hyped up for about half an hour. They're small so you wouldn't think so - but they do :)
The boys have been napping much better. They nap almost every day and i sit in their room till they go to sleep.
here's a video I thought was cute....

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