Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A little catch up on the kids

Jackson and Jaden had their annual check up last week. They are both in the 95th percentile for height (Jaden is a few inches taller than Jackson). And they fall into the 75th-95th percentile for weight (Jaden is 6 pounds heavier than Jackson). We could decide if we wanted to go ahead and do their shots at this appointment. I ordinarily would have waited but for one, we don't have to pay for them this year and probably will next year, and secondly I've heard it's WAY easier to get a 4 year old to handle a shot than it can sometimes be with a 5 year old. Also, Jaden thinks he likes shots. He actually enjoyed getting his finger pricked at a recent appointment. So I decided to go for it. We didn't mention it to them until moments before so that Jackson wouldn't be worried. Jackson volunteered to go first (he didn't know what for) and we told him what was happening and he didn't freak out but told me he was scared. He cooporated well and it was fast (4 shots!) but he did cry and yell ow numerous times. Not a huge scene but was very upset. In hindsight we should have taken Jaden out. I didn't think of it since he said he likes shots. He does NOT like to see other people hurting and got very upset for Jackson. Then he just started crying because he knew it was his turn and I felt SOOOOOO bad. I actually had to hold him down while he screamed (even though he complied) I'm certain the entire office heard it all. I juts felt terrible. When we left we passed the nurse (who was very nice) and she asked if they were still mad at here. Jaden shook his head no but Jackson said "Well I am!" then Jared said "Do you forgive her for giving you a shot?". Jaden said yes but Jackson said "Well I don't" Poor kids. They got over it quickly though and we took them to Dairy Queen for a treat. They could pick anything they wanted and had a great time.
Some of my favorite things they've said (and I wish I could remember more)
Jaden: "Does God build people? I think God was inside mom's tummy and sayed the magic word and turned us into babies"
Jaden: "This is rice cake world. There are rice cakes everywhere"
Jackson: "This is the triceratops place of joy"
I keep worrying as we sell things that the boys will feel unsettled or something. However, no matter what it is that we sell Jackson states that we can just buy another one in North Carolina and then they both get excited talking about how now they have more room to run around. So funny.
Somehow I managed to sell one of their beds and both dressers already - before even listing them. I was not intending to do this but it happened somehow. We had a full size bed in another room (that's for sale currently) so we put it in their room. Let's just say it has been an interesting adjustment....
Kylie had her 18 month appointment. She's in the 50th percentile for height and weight. She's walking alot more now. On her terms but she does choose to walk on her own now. She talks alot. Her favorite words are "no" and "yeah". When the boys were young I tried to keep no completely out of my vocabulary unless i said no thankyou. Kylie has way more influences. I'll say no to the boys and they say no to each other. We work on these things but Kylie does NOT miss a thing. I'm teaching her to say no thankyou instead and she complies but she has yet to come up with it on her own yet. It will happen though. I often have to remind her to say things like please, help please, more please, etc. I'm not a big fan of baby signs but if I sense she is OFTEN frustrated about communicating something in particular then I'll teach her something. She just signs more (for more please - I don't see a point in teaching her both) so we say more please but she just signs more and all done. She says alot of words. She'll try to say anything you ask her too. Here are some she just says without having to repeat you.
Jackson - Jahsin
Jaden - Jasin
yeah (most common)
please - psssssss
more please - mo psssss
water - wadoo
no thankyou - no wawoo
hair bow - ahbow
coat - co
oatmeal - oml
night-night - ni ni
tray - tay
door - do
snow - no!!!!!
window - wino!!!!!
She loves shoes and clothes and pointing to body parts when you ask her. She LOVES her pjs.
She is obsessed with keeping doors closed. If any closet or cupboard is open he goes right over and closes it. She loves to sing. Her tune and rythm are amazing to me for her age but of course you can't understand most of the words. Her favorites are....
ABCs - she kind of grunts all the letters in the right tune and rhythm but the only thing you can understand is H, I, J, K, mmmnnnnmmmmnnnp
Jesus loves me. Not as good on the tune with this one but you know shes' singing it when she ends with soooooo.
Itsy Bitsy spider. She just randomly sings in the right rhythm and sings spidoo for spider and tries to do the hand motions.
If you're happy and you know it. She claps her hands. When I sing that song and get to the clapping I always said "clap clap" and didn't realize it. Now she sings that too.
Every move I make. She only sings the "nah nah nah nana nah nah" part but in perfect rhythm and tune.
She tries to sing other songs as they play. And if she can't figure it out she resorts to the "nah nah nah nana nah nah" song. :)
I had a few pics but am having some problems getting them here for some reason. Here's the most recent video of Kylie walking.

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