Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Currently Jared is still unemployed. He is looking into jobs in NC but that is VERY hard to do from far away. At least we are in the day in age where he can at least make some contacts.
Our house has not sold. It has not been on the market long and it's a bad time to sell houses so we really can't complain. The problem is .... we really need it to sell NOW. Financially we NEED as much money as we can get from it, but since we have to sell it right away that may not happen. I am thankful, however, that is unlikely we couldn't sell it for enough that we wouldn't have to pay cash when we left.
We are approaching a time when we will need to decide if we need to go ahead and move before the house sells. This is not financially ideal. And it will only work if we find a place to stay for free or dirt cheap in NC until our house sells, or Jared gets a decent paying job in NC where we can last at least for a short while paying for two until the house sells.
We have begun selling our things and that's going really well. I'm thankful for this and pretty hopeful that the money we get from this will fund our move.
I'm not going to lie, I'm freaking out. When I'm in a pessimistic mind frame I see foreclosure, bankruptcy, and who knows what else in our future. Possibly the near future :) But when it comes down to it, God is in control and he will take care of us. Whatever happens is in his plan.
The boys seem ok with things but process very differently. Jaden is pretty laid back about it. Jackson is too but any time we sell something he says "maybe they have those in NC and we can buy a new one". The first day someone came to see our house and we packed the family up to leave for a while Jackson thought someone was coming to live in our house right now with all our stuff still in it. He didn't seem the least bit upset about it but it was interesting to see him process and talk about it with him.
Here are some ways for you to pray for us....
  • That our house will sell FAST and that we could walk away with at least a little money
  • That Jared will get a job soon - even before we move would be awesome
  • That we would have wisdom about me getting temporary work
  • That we would trust God to provide for us
  • That people would continue to buy our things so we can pay for our move
  • That I will stop focusing on the day "our money will run out" and instead focus on what God wants me to do.
  • That Jared would ultimately find either a ministry job that he loves and is a great fit or an entirely different job that he likes yet provides for him to be super involved in ministry. Even if this isn't the first job he ends up getting.
  • That we (especially me) will not be stressed or fearful. This is a big one. Many days I do not even want to get up in the morning because I don't want all these scary things to be on my mind.
  • I'm sure I could think of more. so just pray for us in general :)

We've been going through Exodus at church. It's been very applicable to our situation. We thought we were past the "parting of the Red-Sea". But we are not. We determined the other day we are in the "Thanks alot Moses, now we have to start making bricks WITHOUT straw" phase. It is clear we are to go but a few more things need to happen and then God is going to have to part the Red Sea.

Thanks for caring about us and for praying for us!

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