Saturday, February 25, 2012


February was a crazy busy month for us! I find myself so busy lately trying to keep up with everything I always have and adding 20 hours of work to my schedule. This month we also had Jared's parents and his brother and his wife come visit, a weekend trip for Jared and I and the boy's birthday! Made it extra crazy but extra fun!
Jared's parents came on Thursday the 8th(?) and Friday morning Jared and I took a trip to Scottsdale, AZ - a trip Jared won at work. The kids got 3 uninterrupted days with their Grandparents while Jared and I got a little break. His company flew us to AZ, put us in a hotel, gave us spending money (to cover expenses and fun) and a prize (a Kindle Fire!). There were a couple gatherings to attend but you were mostly on your own and we had a nice time. I did not take any pictures. I don't think I took a single one for some reason.
We got back Sunday night and Jared's parents stayed for another week. His brother (Michael) and his wife (Elise) joined us the day after we got back. It was a little tricky to get out and do things since we only have one car but Michael and Elise rented one which helped out. We mostly hung out at the house but did get out a bit. Of course there were birthday festivities as well, but I'll save those for another post.
I wish I took more pictures when they were in town but just didn't make it happen. I do have some though and it's enough that I will put them in an album instead of listing them individually (MUCH faster for me). Included in these pictures is a trip to a science museum Jared's parents treated us to on the boy's birthday. The kids LLLLLOOOOVVVEEEDDDDD it!

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