Thursday, January 10, 2008

Growing Up

The boys are growing so fast and I can't even believe it's been almost a year! here's some of what they've been up to.... Jaden is crawling everywhere and has successfully pulled himself up to his knees. he can also get into a sitting position all on his own. He can "dance" on command (no music or demonstration needed!) Sometimes if he hears music he will spontaneously start dancing. He can say "mama" "bob" (our dog), I THINK he said "dada" today so we're really close on that and he's starting to learn his l's and n's. He likes to smile when he sees people having a good time and laughs along if you're laughing. Jackson has turned into a very happy boy. He has a goofy 1 second grin that he'll flash often for no apparent reason. He doesn't say any words yet but has gotten much more vocal than he once was. Jackson is uninterested in crawling so far since he's very successfully figured out how to push himself around with his feet. Jackson loves the worship at church. During the fast songs he grins and waves his arms around in the air. Last week he tried to clap but he couldn't get his hands to meet so he held one hand still and clapped the other hand against it grinning the whole time! When we're at home he'll sometimes try to clap if I ask him to. Both boys can wave and Jaden is just starting to do it on his own when you're leaving and say "bye bye". They are interacting a little more now which is fun to see and both LOVE our pets and try to touch them, smile at them, talk to them, and feed them cheerios. They both think peekaboo in any form is hillarious.
Here's a video of Jaden "dancing" (pardon Jackson's crying in the background)

Here's a picture of Jaden pulling himself up on the window (the video didn't work for some reason)...

Jaden crawled over to talk with Jackson while he was in his jumper and it was super cute. Most of the noise you hear is coming from Jackson....
I put Jaden in the pack and play while doing laundry otherwise he crawls over and unfolds all the laundry. Before I took him out today Jackson decided to scoot over to talk with Jaden....


  1. Oh my gosh...I MISS my boys! They've changed so much just since Christmas, and I'm dying to see them again!
